God set the steps people, whose lives are pleasing to Him.
When he fell, not to lie, because the Lord sustains his hand.

Saturday, November 19, 2011

Too Much Talk

You'll get My head when you're living increasingly closer with me. It is no doubt.

However, these times is not the time for you to show and led in the path. This time is the time to feel and realize My presence. Are the twigs asked Vine to drain the sap of the plant to him and show him which way he should grow? Of course not. That process runs naturally since he was united with the Vine. I said, "I am the Vine and ye are the branches."
From the branches hang it appeared choice wines, which drain the joy and food to all parts, but the branches do not think that should be formed and the grapes produced by it.

No! Wine is the fruit of the Vine as the parent plant. The task is to provide a channel to branch into the flow of life.

Therefore, My children, my communion with a great need for the unbearable. Everything else will follow naturally. Communion with the result of My awareness of My presence. Do not rush to speak to others. Do not ever do this.
Pray always so obvious what is needed. If you are asked to do this, then definitely there will be a very clear instructions. My Spirit has been rejected by the word of men. Words, words, words. Many people say to me 'Lord, Lord ", but they did not do all that I command.

Eliminate the attitude of too much talking. Deeds will live and echoed throughout the ages - the words will disappear. Paul said,

What You Know About: ...

1. Better hot or cold .... While which lukewarm spit out of God (Revelation)?

2. People who either removing the good stuff from his repertory of good and evil people remove bad things from his evil repertory. But I say unto you: Every word uttered in vain which one must give account thereof in the Day of Judgement ...? (Matthew 12:35-36)

3. What is good, are pleasing to God and perfect. (Romans 12:2)

Give the answer be the comments box yes ...??? Thank you.

Sovereign speech ... Be careful!

Genesis 1:26 a, 27 God said, "Let Us make man in our image, after our likeness,..."
So God created man in His image, the image of God he created him: male and female he created them.
God created us the same and the image of likeness of God. This does not mean we face together with Him, but God created us "in His image 'which is the creator, loving, be angry or jealous and others. As humans, we are given grace to create (is not creating yet exist). Did you know?? Consider ...
Genesis 1:3
God said "Let there be light." And there was light.

Respect for Authority

For today's era, the authority has almost no value anymore for the current generation. If If they have a different vision of the mission with their superiors, they opposed it or away from it. All this is due to the growing spirit of rebellion among the people in this generation have now. Any spill their hearts content without the good-bad judgments, may-no, positive-negative. They became the nation's wild, rebellious youth, children of dissidents, and others. Spirit of rebellion does not work alone, but working with unselfish spirit, the spirit of arrogance / pride of life, the spirit of envy, and more. How sad .... and we are among this generation. We who have lived true or tormented soul can be affected because of this, because our souls are not in line with the era that has battered this (example: Lot)